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How can the husband help his wife during the period of breastfeeding?

How can the husband help his wife during the period of breastfeeding? 

How can the husband help his wife during the period of breastfeeding? 

There are many things you can do for your partner while you are breastfeeding. Find out how to provide support during breastfeeding.
If your partner plans to breastfeed your baby, your help may be important. Find out what you can do to help her.

How can I help my family prepare for breastfeeding?

You can start helping your wife prepare for breastfeeding by knowing the benefits of breastfeeding. Breast milk contains the appropriate content of nutrients that benefit the infant and strengthen its immune system. Breast milk is the most important component of infant nutrition.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months after birth and then combining breastfeeding with solid foods until the baby is at least one year old. It is also recommended after the age of one year to extend the breastfeeding period as long as the mother and the child want to do so.
Attend breastfeeding classes with your partner. If you know breastfeeding positions and techniques, you may be better able to help your wife after childbirth. 
These lessons can also help you understand the impact of using bottles, pacifiers, and complementary feedings on breastfeeding, and encourage you and your partner to make decisions together about how you care for your baby.

What can I do to support my wife while she is breastfeeding?

To help your wife during breastfeeding:
  • Offer her encouragement. Support your partner's decision to breastfeed. Remind her how much you appreciate the effort.
  • Comfort her. When your partner is feeding the baby, offer her a pillow, a blanket, a glass of water, or anything else she might want near her.
  • Participate in the process of feeding the baby. Carry the baby to your wife. Then burp the infant, change its nappy or help put it back to sleep.
  • Provide the necessary care for the infant. Offer to take care of the baby or other children in the house so your partner can take a nap between feedings.
  • Take on additional responsibilities around the house. Consider re-dividing your household chores so that your partner has more downtime.
  • Be with your wife. Sit next to your wife and enjoy the moment together.
  • Make sure to listen. Does your wife suffer from some concerns about breastfeeding? Be a good listener. If necessary, encourage her to seek help from a healthcare provider or lactation consultant.

What else can I do?

Your partner and your baby will create a special bond during breastfeeding times. Sometimes you may feel envious of their relationship. And remember, the bond between you and your child is special and important, too.
Make sure to cuddle and hug your child a lot and to touch his skin (skin to skin), sing, walk and play games that are special for you and your child. Spending time with your child will create a unique relationship between you.
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